Electron Microscopy Database (EMD) – Density Maps
p97 Mutant and Inhibitor Bound Structure, (Caffrey, et al. 2021).
R155H-ADP (24518), R155H-ATPyS (24519), R191Q-ADP (24522), R191Q-ATPyS (24523), A232E-ADP (24524), A232E-ATPyS (24525), E470D-ADP (24526), E470D-ATPyS (24528), D592N-ADP (24529), D592N-ATPyS (24530), CB-5083-ADP (24531), and CB-5083-ATPyS (24532).
Protein Data Bank (PDB) – Refined Models
p97 Mutant and Inhibitor Bound Structure, (Caffrey, et al. 2021).
R155H-ADP (7RL6), R155H-ATPyS (7RL7), R191Q-ADP (7RL9), R191Q-ATPyS (7RLA), A232E-ADP (7RLB), A232E-ATPyS (7RLC), E470D-ADP (7RLD), E470D-ATPyS (7RLF), D592N-ADP (7RLG), D592N-ATPyS (7RLH), CB-5083-ADP (7RLI), and CB-5083-ATPyS (7RLJ)
FIB-SEM Volumes
Human Skeletal Muscle Dataset
Click text for link to dataset:
1. Standardized FIB-SEM and Mitochondrial Segmentation Files (1 of 6).
Human skeletal muscle biopsies imaged using FIB-SEM reported in Caffrey et al. 2019,of 10 individuals with ages ranging from 22 to 81 years old, standardized and mitochondrial segmentation files are in the first of 6 datasets. Corresponding original resolution raw files are in the other five datasets. (Total Volume: ~1,000,000 μm3 / 329 GB Uncompressed).
CA1 Hippocampal Test Dataset
Segmentation of CA1 Hippocampal tissue test dataset reported in Caffrey et al. 2019, FIB-SEM dataset acquired by and available at Lucchi, et al., 2013 at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).